Applicants applying to enroll at SBS need to meet the following conditions. Note: English language proficiency is not mandatory (if students have an IELTS certificate of 6.0 or equivalent, they will be admitted directly to the specialized classes. In case students do not have an IELTS certificate that meets the requirements mentioned above, the university will support them in taking an entrance exam and organizing preparatory English classes for 1-2 semesters before entering the official program).

Graduated from highschool (or equivalent)
Grade point average (GPA) for at least 1 semester of 7.0/10 or higher (for Vietnamese students only)
Applicants may also be considered for admission through other methods (as announced by the admissions office at various times).

Sau khi đã hoàn thành 1 hoặc 2 năm đầu học tại Việt Nam, khi chuyển tiếp sang các trường Đại học tại Anh, Úc, Mỹ, Canada, ... sinh viên sẽ cần thỏa mãn thêm các điều kiện tương ứng của từng trường, cụ thể như sau:

Bachelor of Data Science at Deakin University

  • 18 years old and above (before transferring to the Australia)
  • Minimum IELTS 6.0 

Bachelor of Commerce Major Marketing - Macquarie University

  • 18 years old and above (before transferring to the Australia)
  • Having an IELTS score of 6.5+ (each component must score a minimum 6.0) or equivalent;

Bachelor of Commerce - University Canada West

  • 18 years old and above (before transferring to Canada);
  • Having an IELTS score of 6.5+ or TOEFL - iBT 88 or equivalent certificates accepted by UCW;

Bachelor of Global Business Management - Northampton University

  • 18 years of age or older (before transferring to the UK);
  • Having an IELTS score of 6.5+ (each component must score a minimum 6.0) or equivalent;

Bachelor of transfer study abroad at Utah Tech University (USA)

  • Đủ 18 tuổi (trước khi chuyển tiếp sang Mỹ);
  • IELTS tối thiểu 6.0 hoặc tương đương;


Trường Kinh doanh Sài Gòn xây dựng lộ trình học tập linh hoạt với 2 giai đoạn: Giai đoạn Nền tảng bao gồm 1-2 kỳ học Tiếng Anh dự bị (nếu chưa đạt yêu cầu Tiếng Anh đầu vào) và các môn cơ sở ngành; giai đoạn Chuyên sâu bao gồm các môn chuyên ngành theo chương trình của các đối tác quốc tế. Mức học phí của mỗi giai đoạn cụ thể như sau:

Giai Đoạn 1 (Nền tảng)

9000 USD

Giai Đoạn 1 (Nền tảng)

Giai đoạn 2 (Chuyên sâu)

Bachelor of Data Science - Deakin University
Bachelor of Commerce Major Marketing - Macquarie University
Bachelor of Commerce Major Human Resource Management Macquarie University
Bachelor of International Business & Marketing - Amity Global Institute
Bachelor of Global Business Management - Northampton University
Bachelor of Commerce - University Canada West
Bachelor of International Business Administration (UK program)

~38,600 AUD/Year


  • The cost is temporarily calculated at the exchange rate of 15,500 VND/AUD including 20% scholarship, which is 478,640,000 VND/year. (SBS students are eligible for 20% tuition fee discount)
  • Tuition fees for the next 2 years may vary depending on the subject the student is enrolled in
  • The above costs do not include living expenses in Australia
Learn more

40.800 AUD/year


  • The cost is temporarily calculated at the exchange rate 15800 VND/ AUD which is about 645,000,000 VND and the ASEAN Scholarship of $10,000 per year for eligible SBS students has not been applied.
  • The above costs do not include the cost of living in Australia
Learn more

40.800 AUD/year


  • The cost is temporarily calculated at the exchange rate 15800 VND/ AUD which is about 645,000,000 VND and the ASEAN Scholarship 10,000 AUD/năm cho sinh viên SBS đạt điều kiện chuyển tiếp
  • The fee above does not include the living cost in Australia.
Learn more

14.500 SGD


  • The cost in Singapore includes Visa application fee, medical examination fee and student card
  • Transition costs are temporarily calculated at the exchange rate of 17,900 VND/SGD which is 259,550,000 VND
  • The above costs do not include the cost of living in Singapore
Learn more

GBP 15,500/year (transfer)


  • Transition costs are temporarily calculated at the exchange rate of 1 GBP = 28,800 VND, equivalent to 446.400.000 VND/year
  • The fee above does not include the living cost in The UK.
Learn more

For detailed tuition fees, please refer to the official website of the University of Canada West here.


  • The above costs do not include living expenses in Canada.
Learn more

78.000.000 VNĐ

  • Học phí 26.000.000 VNĐ/ học kỳ x 3 học kỳ/ năm = 78.000.000 VNĐ/ năm
  • Students who have an equivalent IELTS score of 6.0 will be directly admitted to their chosen major without the need for an English preparatory stage.
Learn more


Tài chính là một trong những yếu tố vô cùng quan trọng trong quá trình chuẩn bị đi du học, do đó nhằm khuyến khích tinh thần học tập của sinh viên cũng như giúp giảm thiểu những lo lắng về các khoản chi phí, SBS và các trường đối tác nước ngoài sẽ đem tới cho các bạn sinh viên các gói học bổng vô cùng hấp dẫn. Vui lòng xem chi tiết về các Chương trình học bổng dành riêng cho sinh viên Việt Nam trong kỳ tuyển sinh năm 2024 dưới đây.
Download Form of Scholarship Application

Download Form of Scholarship Application




SBS Talent Scholarship

Candidates are eligible if meet one of the following criteria:

  • Có điểm tổng kết (GPA) cả năm lớp 11 hoặc học kỳ 1 lớp 12 từ 9.0 trở lên hoặc có điểm thi tốt nghiệp THPT quốc gia với tổng điểm tổ hợp 3 môn từ 26 điểm trở lên và có ít nhất 1 môn đạt 9 điểm (theo các tổ hợp môn từng khối thi mà Bộ Giáo dục & Đào tạo quy định, không tính hệ số) 
  • Having an IELTS score of 7.5+ or equivalent;
  • Won prizes in competitions for excellent students;
  • Outstanding contribution to the community (with relevant certificates or letters of recommendation from high school teachers, school officials, or mentors);

The scholarship value ranges from 30 - 100% of the tuition fees and will be selected based on an assessment of the application review & interview by the Scholarship Committee of SBS.

SBS Female in Tech Scholarship

Candidates need to satisfy the following conditions: 

  • Be a female student
  • Register to major in Bachelor of Data Science at SBS (affiliated program with Deakin University - Australia)

Scholarship value is 25% of the entire program tuition

Southeast region scholarship

Candidates need to satisfy the following conditions: 

  • Students must be from, have a permanent address in, or are currently attending a high school in the Southeast region at the time of applying for the scholarship.
  • Have a grade point average (GPA) of the most recent semester or school year of 8.5 or higher.

Scholarship value is 25% of the entire program tuition


SBS Diamond Scholarship

Candidates are eligible if meet one of the following criteria: 

  • Have a final grade (GPA) for the entire year of grade 11 or the first semester of grade 12 of 8.5 or higher
  • Having an IELTS score of 6.5+ or equivalent;
  • Outstanding contribution to the community (with relevant certificates or letters of recommendation from high school teachers, school officials, or mentors); 

The scholarship value 1500 USD

SBS Golden Scholarship

Candidates are eligible if meet one of the following criteria: 

  • Have a final grade (GPA) for the entire year of grade 11 or the first semester of grade 12 of 8.0 or higher.ó điểm thi tốt nghiệp THPT quốc gia với tổng điểm tổ hợp 3 môn từ 22 điểm trở lên (theo các tổ hợp môn từng khối thi mà Bộ Giáo dục & Đào tạo quy định, không tính hệ số) 
  • Having an IELTS score of 5.0+ or equivalent;

The scholarship value 1200 USD


  • The scholarships and grants above only apply to Phase 1 at SBS Vietnam. When transferring to oversea universities, students will follow the tuition fees and receive scholarships according to the regulations of each partner university;
  • Students who are eligible for the early bird discount will receive both the discount as well as the respective scholarship package that has been awarded; 
  • The above scholarships are specific and are not transferable. If you are eligible for multiple scholarships, then you will only receive the scholarship with the highest value.



In 2024, Saigon Business School (SBS) will have three distinct admission periods :
  • Early admission from 01/10/2023 to 31/12/2023
  • Regular admission from 01/01/2024 to 31/5/2024
  • Last-call admission from 1/6/2024 to 30/9/2024

Candidates participating in the early admission and regular admission rounds and undergoing scholarship interviews will receive priority consideration for high-value scholarships from the SBS Scholarship Fund.

Early Application

Download Form of Scholarship Application


Online admission form: Candidates are requested to fill in this form to apply for the 2024 online admission using their academic transcripts. form to register for online admission in 2024


Scholarship confirmation form:

Due to the limited availability of scholarships (especially for high-value scholarships), applicants are required to pay a scholarship confirmation fee of 2,000,000 VND within 15 days from the date of receiving the acceptance letter from the university. This amount will be deducted from the tuition fees that students need to pay when officially enrolling in the program.

The scholarship confirmation fee will not be refunded in case the applicant withdraws their application and does not enroll at SBS.


Preferential policy for candidates who pay tuition early (Time for early tuition payment will be announced by the Admissions Office)

For candidates who confirm admission and pay tuition early, the school has additional incentives, specifically as follows:

  • Students pay 1/3 of a semester's tuition or more will receive cashback (from 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 VND) deducted directly from the tuition amount to be paid.
  • Candidates pay full tuition for one semester or more, In addition to the above refund policy, you will be able to participate in the lucky spin with valuable gifts such as: bluetooth headsets, tablets, book readers, extracurricular study trips (study abroad) at home and abroad, …


Contact Admission Office

Download Form of Scholarship Application

  • Students apply for tuition withdrawal before the official semester begins (is the first day of class or gathering, specific schedule is stated in the notice sent to students) 2 weeks or more will be refund 80% of actual tuition fees paid.
  • Students apply for tuition withdrawal within 2 weeks before the official semester begins refund 50% of actual tuition fees paid
  • Tuition fees will not be refunded if students submit a request after the semester has officially begun





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